Şimdi gösteriyor: İrlanda - Posta pulları (1922 - 2025) - 2539 pullar.
11. Ekim WM: Hiçbiri Sheetboyutu: 16 Tasarım: Zinc Design Consultants Perforasyon: 13½
![[Bernardos Ireland - The 50th Anniversary of the Children's Charity, tip DNU]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Ireland/Postage-stamps/DNU-s.jpg)
8. Kasım WM: Hiçbiri Tasarım: Zinc Design Consultants Perforasyon: 13
![[Christmas - Self Adhesive Stamp, tip DNV]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Ireland/Postage-stamps/DNV-s.jpg)
17. Ocak WM: Hiçbiri Sheetboyutu: 16 Tasarım: Steve Simpson Perforasyon: 14 x 15
![[Irish Presidency of the Council of the European Union, tip DNW]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Ireland/Postage-stamps/DNW-s.jpg)
24. Ocak WM: Hiçbiri Sheetboyutu: 16 Tasarım: Design Factory Perforasyon: 13½
![[The Gathering, tip DNX]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Ireland/Postage-stamps/DNX-s.jpg)
7. Şubat WM: Hiçbiri Sheetboyutu: 16 Tasarım: Steve Simpson Perforasyon: 15 x 14
![[St. Patcrick's Day, tip DNY]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Ireland/Postage-stamps/DNY-s.jpg)
14. Şubat WM: Hiçbiri Sheetboyutu: 10 Tasarım: Steve Simpson & Harry Weir Perforasyon: 13
![[Weddings - Self Adhesive Stamp, tip DNZ]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Ireland/Postage-stamps/DNZ-s.jpg)
7. Mart WM: Hiçbiri Sheetboyutu: 10 Tasarım: Steve Simpson & Cathy Dineen Perforasyon: 13
![[Greetings Stamps - Self Adhesive, tip DOA]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Ireland/Postage-stamps/DOA-s.jpg)
![[Greetings Stamps - Self Adhesive, tip DOB]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Ireland/Postage-stamps/DOB-s.jpg)
21. Mart WM: Hiçbiri Sheetboyutu: 16 Tasarım: Red Dog Design Perforasyon: 15 x 14
![[The 50th Anniversary of the Irish Cancer Society, tip DOC]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Ireland/Postage-stamps/DOC-s.jpg)
2. Nisan WM: Hiçbiri Perforasyon: 11
![[Definitives - Animals, tip XOC]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Ireland/Postage-stamps/XOC-s.jpg)
![[Definitives - Animals, tip XOD]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Ireland/Postage-stamps/XOD-s.jpg)
![[Definitives - Animals, tip XOE]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Ireland/Postage-stamps/XOE-s.jpg)
![[Definitives - Animals, tip XOF]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Ireland/Postage-stamps/XOF-s.jpg)
25. Nisan WM: Hiçbiri Tasarım: Ger Garland Perforasyon: 14
![[Contemporary Art - Visual Arts, tip ]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Ireland/Postage-stamps/2033-b.jpg)
2. Mayıs WM: Hiçbiri Sheetboyutu: 10 Tasarım: Steve Simpson Perforasyon: 15 x 14
![[EUROPA Stamps - Postal Vehicles, tip DOH]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Ireland/Postage-stamps/DOH-s.jpg)
![[EUROPA Stamps - Postal Vehicles, tip DOI]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Ireland/Postage-stamps/DOI-s.jpg)
16. Mayıs WM: Hiçbiri Sheetboyutu: 16 Perforasyon: 15 x 14
![[Dublin - UNESCO City of World Literature, tip DOJ]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Ireland/Postage-stamps/DOJ-s.jpg)
6. Haziran WM: Hiçbiri Sheetboyutu: 20 Tasarım: Steve Simpson Perforasyon: 13½
![[The 50th Anniversary of the Death of J. F. Kennedy, 1917-1963, tip DOK]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Ireland/Postage-stamps/DOK-s.jpg)
![[The 50th Anniversary of the Death of J. F. Kennedy, 1917-1963, tip DOL]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Ireland/Postage-stamps/DOL-s.jpg)
17. Temmuz WM: Hiçbiri Sheetboyutu: 16 Tasarım: Steve Simpson Perforasyon: 15 x 14
![[The Port of Cork - Ships, tip DOM]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Ireland/Postage-stamps/DOM-s.jpg)
![[The Port of Cork - Ships, tip DON]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Ireland/Postage-stamps/DON-s.jpg)
![[The Port of Cork - Ships, tip DOO]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Ireland/Postage-stamps/DOO-s.jpg)
22. Ağustos WM: Hiçbiri Sheetboyutu: 15 Tasarım: Ger Garland Perforasyon: 13
![[The 100th Anniversary of the General Lockout, tip DOP]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Ireland/Postage-stamps/DOP-s.jpg)
![[The 100th Anniversary of the General Lockout, tip DOQ]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Ireland/Postage-stamps/DOQ-s.jpg)
![[The 100th Anniversary of the General Lockout, tip DOR]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Ireland/Postage-stamps/DOR-s.jpg)
12. Eylül WM: Hiçbiri Sheetboyutu: 16 Tasarım: Zinc Design Consultants Perforasyon: 13¼
![[The Irish Defence Forces, tip DOS]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Ireland/Postage-stamps/DOS-s.jpg)
![[The Irish Defence Forces, tip DOT]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Ireland/Postage-stamps/DOT-s.jpg)
![[The Irish Defence Forces, tip DOU]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Ireland/Postage-stamps/DOU-s.jpg)
![[The Irish Defence Forces, tip DOV]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Ireland/Postage-stamps/DOV-s.jpg)
26. Eylül WM: Hiçbiri Sheetboyutu: 16 Tasarım: Atelier David Smith Perforasyon: 15 x 14
![[Ireland - An Integrated Society, tip DOW]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Ireland/Postage-stamps/DOW-s.jpg)
![[Ireland - An Integrated Society, tip DOX]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Ireland/Postage-stamps/DOX-s.jpg)
![[Ireland - An Integrated Society, tip DOY]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Ireland/Postage-stamps/DOY-s.jpg)
![[Ireland - An Integrated Society, tip DOZ]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Ireland/Postage-stamps/DOZ-s.jpg)
3. Ekim WM: Hiçbiri Sheetboyutu: 16 Tasarım: Zinc Design Consultants Perforasyon: 13¼
![[The 100th Anniversary of the Irish Volunteer Force, tip DPA]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Ireland/Postage-stamps/DPA-s.jpg)
17. Ekim WM: Hiçbiri Sheetboyutu: 16 Tasarım: Zinc Design Consultants Perforasyon: 13¼
![[Contemporary Public Buildings, tip ]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Ireland/Postage-stamps/2057-b.jpg)
No. | Tip | D | Renk | Açıklama |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
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![]() |
2057 | DPB | 60C | çok renkli | (176000) | 1,08 | - | 1,08 | - | USD |
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2058 | DPC | 60C | çok renkli | (176000) | 1,08 | - | 1,08 | - | USD |
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2059 | DPD | 90C | çok renkli | (156000) | 1,63 | - | 1,63 | - | USD |
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2060 | DPE | 90C | çok renkli | (156000) | 1,63 | - | 1,63 | - | USD |
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2057‑2060 | Minisheet (150 x 90mm) | 5,42 | - | 5,42 | - | USD | |||||||||||
2057‑2060 | 5,42 | - | 5,42 | - | USD |
7. Kasım WM: Hiçbiri Perforasyon: 11¼
![[Christmas, tip DPF]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Ireland/Postage-stamps/DPF-s.jpg)
30. Ocak WM: Hiçbiri Sheetboyutu: 10 Tasarım: Phil Elliott Perforasyon: 13
![[Greetings Stamps, tip DPG]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Ireland/Postage-stamps/DPG-s.jpg)
![[Greetings Stamps, tip DPH]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Ireland/Postage-stamps/DPH-s.jpg)
13. Şubat WM: Hiçbiri Sheetboyutu: 10 Tasarım: Kelvin Gillmor Perforasyon: 13
![[Love and Marriage, tip DPI]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Ireland/Postage-stamps/DPI-s.jpg)
20. Şubat WM: Hiçbiri Sheetboyutu: 20 Tasarım: Oonagh Young Perforasyon: 14 x 15
![[Saint Patrick's Day, tip DPJ]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Ireland/Postage-stamps/DPJ-s.jpg)
20. Mart WM: Hiçbiri Sheetboyutu: 16 Tasarım: Conor & David Perforasyon: 14 x 15
![[The 50th Anniversary of the Death of Brendan Behan, 1923 –1964, tip DPK]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Ireland/Postage-stamps/DPK-s.jpg)
27. Mart WM: Hiçbiri Tasarım: Ger Garland Perforasyon: 14
![[Contemporary Arts - Visual Arts, tip DPL]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Ireland/Postage-stamps/DPL-s.jpg)
![[Contemporary Arts - Visual Arts, tip DPM]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Ireland/Postage-stamps/DPM-s.jpg)
![[Contemporary Arts - Visual Arts, tip DPN]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Ireland/Postage-stamps/DPN-s.jpg)
![[Contemporary Arts - Visual Arts, tip DPO]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Ireland/Postage-stamps/DPO-s.jpg)